Typically, a Canadian winter consists of long and cold weeks where the sun rises once you get to work and sets about the same time as you leave the office. By the time February rolls around, you are buried deep in snow, and freezing your butt off because you’ve just lived through a month long deep freeze with a warm and balmy -15 degrees Celsius… or colder if you’re lucky (can you feel the love?).

Typically, regardless of how cold it gets, I live in dresses and tights. Except for this past year. I have no clue why, but I could probably count on one hand the amount of times that I have worn a dress to the office, without having a pair of leggings or pants on underneath. I could blame it on the trend, but in all honesty, I just had no desire to have cold legs, and I have not physically been feeling at my prime.

This past weekend, in honor of Valentine’s day, I made an exception and threw on one of my favorite knit, off the shoulder dresses from last year, with a pair of Zara thigh high leather boots.

The outfit kept me warm, cozy and yet the exposed shoulders and thigh high boots still made me feel sexy.

Seeing as I was able to get in and out of the car rather quickly, I didn’t bother adding a pair of tights, nor did I worry about ruining these beautiful boots with salt and snow.

It reminded me of how nice it is to add some “umph” to your winter every once in a while, whether you feel like it or not.

What about you? What have you been doing to add a little bit of self love in your winter outfits?

Let me know!

Have a great weekend!!



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