When a new year starts, people take the time to create resolutions so that they can either work on improving themselves, or change something that they are unhappy about. As for myself, I do not start my year off with a resolution, but I immediately like to set the tone from day 1 as to how I want this year to go… and then I try my best to stay disciplined, because the moment I abandon ship, I find it very difficult to come back on track.

I guess the same can be said about my outfits, and setting the tone as to the look I want to achieve that year.

Seeing as I was ringing in the New Year at a family house party, I decided to put my best foot forward with a dress that was not too over the top, yet glamorous enough to be worthy of some champagne and a midnight bisou or 2.

As a result, I chose to go with a warm, long sleeved H&M dress with an open back, and a pair of Dynamite Clothing seamed tights reminiscent of the Coco Chanel days, where lines were painted at the back of legs to emulate a pair of silk stockings.

Seeing as this indoor party did permit me to pull out a pair of shoes, I opted to go with ankle grazing Zara booties with the zippers exposed at the back.

This look made me feel dressy enough to celebrate, without looking like I belong at the ball.

Here’s to 2017 – A Happy, Healthy, Prosperous 2017 filled with amazing memories and more good news than bad!



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